Table of Contents


 Participants will drive an automated vehicle using the automated driving software they have developed, and compete in terms of distance points calculated from the results.
For details of the competition and course specifications, please refer to the following.

Detail of Rule

Ranking System

  • Rankings are determined by distance points.
    Distance points: min(overall distance from the starting point (m), distance of the entire course) * (1.0 - assignment 1 penalty - assignment 2 penalty - assignment 3 penalty).
  • If the distance points are the same, the Competitor with the shortest running time in the Task 3 area will be placed higher (if he/she runs to the end of the task).


  • Travel speed is 0~5km/h
  • If the speed limit is exceeded by more than 2km/h, the competitor will be disqualified = 0 points.
  • Time limit is 5 minutes (to accommodate the case where the vehicle stops in the middle of the route).
  • Time from when the vehicle starts is measured.
  • Placement and route may be somewhat random
  • Need to add a handling of collision after reaching the goal.
  • Please do not use an algorithm that sets up a route in advance and runs in a deterministic manner, as this may be dangerous when running in the finals.
  • The contents of the submitted code may be checked during the judging.
  • Any code that affects the scoring process or any other intentional irregularity that is discovered will be disqualified.


The vehicle to be used is the golf cart shown here.


You will be challenged with 3 tasks in this course.

Task 1 : Obstacle detection stop (cardboard)

Clear condition:
 ・Obstacle detection stop (cardboard)
 ・The vehicle head must stop at a position between 3m and 6m from the obstacle.
 ・the vehicle head must be between 3m and 6m from the obstacle.
 ・If the vehicle fails to stop, 5% points will be deducted from the distance points.

Task 2: Driving in the presence of smoke

Clear condition:
  ・Do not stop within the section of Task 2.
 ・Do not stop within the section of Task 2.
 ・If you stop, 5% points will be deducted from the distance points.

Task 3-1: Narrow road driving (slalom)

Clear condition:
 ・Do not collide with a cardboard box.
 ・Do not stray from the designated route.
 ・If the vehicle collides with a cardboard box or strays from the designated path, the driving will be terminated.

Task 3-2: Narrow road driving (L-shaped crank)

Clear condition:
 ・Do not stray from the designated route.
 ・If you run out of the designated path, the race will be terminated.

Task 3-3: Stop after reaching the goal

Clear condition:
 ・Stop when you reach the goal at blue-framed area.
 ・Going out of the path(Couldn't stop at the goal) after finishing the race, 5% point deduction will be given.

How to check results

  When the run is completed, result.json will be output based on /aichallenge/score topic and /aichallenge/collision topic. See below to check the results.

  "rawDistanceScore": float32, // distance points without penalty
  "distanceScore": float32, // distance points reflected in the ranking
  "task3Duration": float32, // time spent on task 3
  "isOutsideLane": bool, // lane outside lane
  "isTimeout": bool, // timeout
  "hasCollided": bool, // collision
  "hasExceededSpeedLimit": bool, // speed limit exceeded
  "hasFinishedTask1": bool, // has Task 1 been completed successfully
  "hasFinishedTask2": bool, // has Task 2 been completed successfully
  "hasFinishedTask3": bool // has Task 3 been completed successfully?